Organisation: VITECO
Course: Gaming and Gamification
Teaching hours: 5+
Mode of delivery: Web 2.0
EQF level: level 5 - 6
Assessment methods:
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
This course aims to introduce the concept of gamification, the scenario of a Game-Based Learning and the impact of gaming in increasing students’ skills. It explores how to use gamification to make teaching more catchy by balancing more theoretical learning material with practical exercises.
Understanding the difference among games vs. gaming vs. gamification is important for improving students’ knowledge and technical competences. In a game-based learning environment, users learn new concepts and practice skills in a risk-free setting. The main use of gamification is to increase student’s retention by integrating engagement software with existing learning contents. On the same wave line, serious games are generally considered to induce positive effects in the areas of learning motivation and learning gains.
Finally, the ADDIE Model will be examined as a method for designing educational games. It will follow an implementation practice phase where students will practically experiment the theoretical concept acquired with the final aim to create a mini game.
Learning activity content: